New Delhi: NDA’s presidential candidate Draupadi Murmu has submitted the nomination before the Rajya Sabha Secretary General, PC Mody. She filed her nomination in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Ministers Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah, BJP National President JP Nadda, NDA leaders and other opposition leaders. The nomination was signed by different people including UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
Four sets of nomination were given. In the first set the name was nominated by Prime Minister and supported by the Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. Apart from this, special sets by the State Chief Ministers, Union Ministers, State Schedule Tribe leaders, Women leaders were also submitted.
YSR Congress and BJD leaders also participated in the function.
The NDA presidential nominee Draupadi Murmu had met the Prime Minister, Vice President, Defence Minister and Home Minister on Thursday. After the meeting PM tweeted that Draupadi Murmu has a clear idea about the issues of people in the grassroot level and nations development.
She paid homage to the statues of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr BR Ambedkar and Birsa Munda at the Parliament.
The election will be held on July 18.