Thiruvananthapuram: BJP State President K Surendran sent a letter to Kerala Chief Minister and leader of the opposition in which he seeks their support for Draupadi Murmu, the presidential candidate of NDA who has dedicated her life to serve the society and to empower women.
“If elected, Draupadi Murmu, the former Governor of Jharkhand, will become the first woman President from the tribal community of India”.
“Beyond politics it is now the need of the people, who support democracy, to elect her as the President of India. I urge you to support Draupadi Murmu in the presidential election who dedicated her life for serving the community and empowering the poor, the downtrodden and the marginalized”. Surendran wrote.
Meanwhile Draupadi Murmu had met the Prime Minister, Vice President, Defence Minister and Home Minister on Thursday, prior to the submission of her nomination. After the meeting PM tweeted that Draupadi Murmu has a clear idea about the issues of people at the grassroot level and nations development.