New Delhi: Celebrating Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, NHAI has announced a Digital Photography Contest to encourage the professional and amateur photographers across the country. The theme of the photography contest is ‘National Highways through the Eyes of the Camera’. The contest is open for Indian nationals and has two separate categories for Amateur and Professional participants. There are of six prizes to be won and the first prize of Rs. 50,000 will be awarded to winner in each category. Apart from these, ten consolation prizes of Rs. 10,000 each will also be awarded.
Participants can visit NHAI website and select any one category to participate. Photographs should not be older than one year. Each participant can upload upto two photographs of maximum 5 MB each. The last date to participate is 22nd July 2022.
Using the medium of photography, the contest will capture and present multi-faceted images of the National Highways in India. Apart from capturing aesthetics and expanse of the highways, the contest will also spread the message of connectivity and easy access through implementation of the Highway infrastructure projects.
In the past few years, the National Highway network has rapidly grown in the country. NHAI is implementing ambitious programs like the Bharatmala Pariyojna that includes implementation of 22 Greenfield expressways and access-controlled corridors. These world class corridors will connect hinterland & emerging economic regions to usher in growth and prosperity and reduce travel time of freight and passenger traffic.