Kochi: Swapna Suresh, accused in the gold smuggling case, has moved High Court for securing anticipatory bail. Swapna has approached High Court, alleging that more Sections have been imposed in the conspiracy case. Swapna told that she has no tension and added that new sections are imposed on the basis of statements by the ‘so called great person’ like Saritha Nair.
Both ED and Crime Branch had served notice to Swapna asking to appear for questioning. Enforcement Directorate’s notice was to know more about the revelations on gold smuggling case while Crime Branch’s move was on the basis of conspiracy case. However, Swapna has informed that she will not appear before CB for the time being.
Swapna’s explanation is that as ED’s questioning is going on, she can’t appear before CB simultaneously. She has moved HC as more sections were imposed on her and also, to convince the court about her inconvenience to appear before Crime Branch. ” I am submitting anticipatory bail plea as the newly imposed sections are non bailable the Crime Branch may arrest me”, added Swapna.