Thiruvananthapuram: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, in an attempt to escape from oppositions’ questioning , alleged Sangh Parivar in the assembly today. While answering to opposition leader V D Sathesan, CM told that Sangh Parivar is protecting Swapna Suresh, the accused in gold smuggling case, so as to tarnish the State Government.
Sangh Parivar is helping the gold smuggling case accused in abundance. They have provided job, vehicle, food and shelter, finance and a lawyerfor her. Pinarayi Vijayan justified State Government’s move of charging police case by saying that the accused is making fake statements to insult Kerala’s political leadership.
He even told that the responsibility to enquire gold smuggling case is not upon the State Government. Pinarayi Vijayan asked how the opposition party has got the confidential statement of the accused recorded under 164.