Mumbai: Following the BJP’s claim to prove majority, a confidence motion is expected to be held in Maharashtra on Thursday. The decision was taken in the background of the political uncertainty.
It is learned that the Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari has issued an order to convene the assembly at 11 am on Thursday. Fadnavis clarified that Shiv Sena has lost people’s support after attending a meeting with the Governor.
All 8 Independent MLAs called on the Governor to conduct a confidence motion on immediate cause.
The former Maharashtra CM, Devendra Fadnavis had met with the BJP president J.P. Nadda and clarified the current political situations in Maharashtra.
As per reports, the BJP has secured the support of 170 MLAs. The Shiv Sena Balasaheb MLAs are also expected to reach the assembly on Thursday and the BJP will demand for an immediate appointment of a pro-tem speaker.
Now, all BJP MLAs are with Fadnavis in Maharashtra.