Udaipur: The Udaipur murder victim Kanaiyya Lal’s children said, their father had received continuous death threats from Muslim terrorists. His children Yash and Tharun have revealed this while attending an interview with a regional channel.
They said they had given a complaint to the police station about the threat but the police did not take any action against that.
If the police took timely action, our father would still be alive, children added.
Kanaiyya Lal was arrested for his Facebook post. Later he got bail and he also apologized during the compromise talk. But the threats had continued and the responsible authorities left it unnoticed. His shop was often closed due to the threatening messages.
Kanaiyya Lal was the only bread winner in his family and his children demanded death penalty for the culprits.
Currently NIA has filed a case against the criminals under UAPA. They were also charged with murder, trespassing and religious hate spread.