Mumbai: After coming to power, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis convened the first meeting in Mumbai. In the meeting, it is decided to arrange a special cabinet meeting on July 2nd and 3rd and a new speaker will be elected on the first day of the meeting.
The CM had expressed his views to the media after the meeting.
We are entering into a fresh start. It is not a tough task to control the developmental activities of the state as we have an experienced Deputy Chief Minister in our cabinet. People’s representatives and the administration should work hand-in-hand to provide justice to the people, said the CM
This is a historical moment. The BJP had more MLAs with them but Devendra ji has shown his generosity and therefore I would like to thank the BJP leaders, Shinde added.
In the meeting Devendra Fadnavis said “we again get a chance to work together. We can work together for the better functioning and performance of the state.”