Thiruvananthapuram: It was on last Sunday, 3 July. Minister for Fisheries, Culture and Youth Affairs, Saji Cheriyan inaugurated the 100th episode of a face book live programme conducted by Mallappally CPM area committee in the evening. While speaking vigorously on ‘ Political developments of the week’, Saji Cheriyan started talking about the constitution of India. ” We all say that our constitution is written beautifully, the most important aspect of the nation. But I will say, a beautifully written content, that can serve to loot people”.
And as the speech developed , he stated “our constitution is compiled by the British. Values like democracy and secularism have been noted on its sides but it condones exploitation”.
The derogatory, insulting, ridiculous statments of Saji Cheriyan soon triggered protests from various quarters. He was burnt in effigy. Protest marches proceeded, opposition parties, workers and common people turned upset over his anti constitutional remarks.
Even after the rows over his controversial speech Saji Cheriyan asked in the morning, ” Why should I resign? I have already told everything last day”. He was reluctant to move out.
Then this evening, as the massive protests demanded Saji Cheriyan’s resignation, the ultimate solution for the issue, CPM urgently held a meeting.
And the leadership, after discussion, suggested Saji Cheriyan to resign.
Saji Cheriyan, after the ministerial meeting in the afternoon, handed over his resignation to the Chief Minister. The former minister Saji Cheriyan, while responding to the reporters, alleged that his one hour long speech was edited and crippled and was used for fake propaganda. He told he had never intended to derogate the constitution. But it is not proper to go on in this position. so, I do resign as minister”.