Kochi: Police has released more details on the recent incident in which a young man committed suicide by slitting his throat. The police said that Christopher, a native of Thoppumpady, slashed his friend Sachin following arguments about their friendship. After attacking his friend, Christopher committed suicide by stabbing himself on his neck and hands.
It is also said that the discomfort in their friendship had led to the attack. Currently Sachin is admitted at the district hospital Ernakulam and the Police have recorded his statement.
Sachin had a close relation with Christopher but recently the relation got broken. The break-up provoked Christopher and he tried to convince Sachin to continue the relationship. Sachin disagreed with his demand and this finally led to the attack.
The incident took place on Monday at Kaloor Deshabhimani junction in Kochi around 6 pm. The Police had received CCTV footage of the incident.
The people were helplessly watching the incident when the man come and sat on a post that kept near the road and committed suicide suddenly. The shopkeepers informed the police but he died on the spot. The police arrived and the body was shifted to the hospital after completing the initial processes.