Patna: Popular Front, SDPI pamphlets and posters have been seized from Islamic terrorists who planned to target PM Narendra Modi. As per Bihar police, they have found that Athar Parvez and Mohammad Jallauddin, the duo detained, had given terror training to youths from Kerala, West Bengal, UP and Tamil Nadu. The terrorists got arrested from Phulwari Sheriff region in Bihar.
The terrorists planned to target the function in which PM had participated on 12 July. CCTV footages of terrorists giving weapon training and statements of witnesses have been collected for further investigation. Parvez has received money funding to run anti national activities in the the country. Documents regarding the funding has been handed over to the Enforcement department, said Bihar Police.
The terrorists had shared 8 page long documents titled ‘India Vision 2047’ to spread anti national activities. The document says, “PFI has confidence that if 10 percent of the Muslim community stand with us, we can easily subjugate coward majority community and create our own country”. And for that, Islamic states like Turkey and Pakistan have offered financial help, says the document.
Several people from other states had been visiting the accused in the hotel. Those visitors booked tickets with fake names to travel and the names entered in hotels for stay were also fake, said the police.
The two terrorists under custody were identified as retired police officer Mohammad Jallauddin and former SIMI member and an active worker of PFI-SDPI Athar Parvez.