New Delhi: BJP MP Goutham Gambhir commented that the Kejriwal government has given fake promises and is cheating the people. After cancelling water subsidies the Kejriwal government has now taken away the electricity subsidy too and made the People suffer a lot, said Goutham.
“Delhi is now going to realize some hard realities. So far, the people were befooled by the CM. The Aam Aadmi gave fake promises to the people on providing free electricity, even after knowing that it is not practically possible. They provided huge units of electricity to thousands of people. This doubled their consumption. And now, taking subsidies will increase the people’s burden or else the government need to return a huge amount as debt, Goutham added.
Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar too presented the figures of free announcements in the name of electricity and water. Praveen alleges that the Delhi government has fallen into a huge financial liability by not paying the subsidy.