Mumbai: The Anti Terror Squad (ATS) of Uttar Pradesh has arrested a terrorist Saifullah who has been known in the name Habib-ul-Islam from Kanpur. He was arrested according to the information provided by Muhammad Nadeem, who has been arrested from Saharanpur last day.
Saifullah got arrested after two days of the arrest of Muhammad Nadeem. Nadeem had various plans to conduct explosions across the nation. He used different social media platforms including WhatsApp, Telegram, IMO, Facebook, Messenger and Club House to get connected with Pakistan.
Nadeem has close connection with Habeeb-ul-Islam. It is identified that he is an expert in creating IDs virtually. The ATS squads said that he had already made above 50 IDs in WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram for the terrorists.
He had also shared several voice messages with jihad hints to many people. Currently, Saifullah is being interrogated by many agencies.