New Delhi: Centre informed that the Baal Aadhar Scheme has got a great acceptance in the nation. According to the data of the ministry, 2.64 crore of children under the age group of 0 – 5 years have been provided with Baal Aadhar. At the end of July 2022, the rate had increased to 3.43 crores.
In this financial year, from April to July, 79 lakhs of children were added to it.
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has encouraged the people to register their children under this scheme. They also said that this can be used as a digital ID and an aid to receive all reservations provided to the children.
Aadhar has been issued after collecting the biometrics signs including the image of retina and the finger prints. But such images have not been collected from children between 0-5 years. The ID card is issued in blue colour. Later when the child reaches the age of 5, strict updates would be made to the card and they will be provided with normal Aadhar cards, clarified the ministry.