Thiruvananthapuram: The ongoing protest in Vizhinjam turned violent on the fourth day too. The march held at the port region had turned aggressive prior to the meeting that was decided to organize today. The protesters broke the police blockade and crossed the barricades.
As hundreds of people came together, the police became helpless. The police were not able to control or arrest any of the protesters. This is for the first time, such a massive attack taking place against the Vizhinjam port construction.
Fisheries Minister V. Abdurahman had invited the Latin Diocese for a discussion. However, the archdiocese is firm in the position that there will be no return without accepting their needs, including the demand to stop the construction. They have decided to continue their strike till 31st August. Fishermen from Pallam Loordpuram, Adimalathura and Kochu Palli, jointly leading the protest today.