New Delhi: CBI issued lookout notice over liquor scandal against people including Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, Manish Sisodia. Aam Aadmi Party leaders came up against this and Aravind Kejriwal opined that the actions of CBI and ED would affect the nation’s development badly.
Manish Sisodia’s first response was that the action was the brainchild of the PM, Narendra Modi.
A leader was stepping forward to solve the persistent issues of the nation. In such a situation, it is not fair to take such actions. People will issue a look out notice against such people in 2024, said Sisodia.
The CBI has registered the liquor scandal case and filed an FIR against 15 people including the deputy chief minister, Manish Sisodia.
The FIR was registered after finding some issues regarding the implementation of the Excise policies that were published in November, last year.