New Delhi: “The award goes to the winner; the honor goes to the one who lives for the country”, Dr Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Health Minister stated this while addressing Bharat Swaasth Mahotsav along with Dr. Bharati Pravin Pawar, Union Minister of State. The event was organised to celebrate the achievements and contributions in healthcare sector by ‘Padma Award’ winning doctors in India since Independence. Rajesh Bhushan, Union Health Secretary and Dr R S Sharma, CEO, National Health Authority, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare were also present.
‘Padma Doctors Congregation’ has been designed to recognise, celebrate and felicitate the Healthcare Change Maker Padma Doctors for their exemplary contribution to the healthcare landscape in India since independence.
Accentuating the importance of the award, Union Health Minister noted, “All of them who have received this award have made efforts from resolution to accomplishment. Our Prime Minister, Narendra Modi ji understood India’s research capability and India started priductio of COVID vaccines,” said Dr Mansukh Mandaviya.
Highlighting the efforts of government’s effort, Dr Bharati Pravin Pawar noted, “Under able guidance of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, the process of selection of Padma awardees has changed a lot as common people are now being honored. Because now the emphasis of the nomination process is not on the name of the nominee, but on their work.”