New Delhi: Today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the grand finale participants of the Smart India Hackathon, 2022. The finalists will be addressed at 8 pm today via a video conference. The news was released by the Associate Minister of Education.
Above 1500 students from seventy five centres will attend the grand finale. During 2017, The smart India Hackathon has come up in India as a result of the continuous effort of the PM to encourage innovative mentality among the youngsters.
The program aims to encourage product renovation, problem solving, and borderless thinking among the children. During the first edition around 7500 teams were joined in the SIH and this time the growth has doubled four times.
The students will express their opinion in about 476 topics including translations of Devanagari writings, IOT based monitoring system to food items that get easily rotten.
Meanwhile, the Government has also started ‘Smart India Hackathon-Junior this year. This has been initiated to improve the students problem solving mentality.