Lucknow: The Allahabad High Court has directed the Mathura court to conduct an archaeological survey in the Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Idgah Masjid case. It is suggested that the judgment should be issued within four months. A bench headed by Justice Piyush Agarwal directed the Mathura court.
The pronounced verdict is supportive for the Bhagavan Sree Krishna Virajam, the Hindu organization that has submitted plea before the court. The demand of the organization is that a survey should be conducted in Sri Krishna Janmabhoomi and around Shahi Idgah Masjid. A petition was filed in the Mathura court in this regard. But due to the delay in considering this, the organization approached the High Court requesting the Mathura Court to instruct to settle the petition quickly.
The petition says that the land on which the mosque is located belongs to the temple. The current mosque is built on the site where Kamsa imprisoned Lord Krishna’s parents during the Dwapara Yuga. This will be clear from the historical records, states the petition.