New Delhi: The Indian Coast Guard and ATS, Gujarat have jointly apprehended a Pakistani boat with six crew, carrying approximately 40 kilograms of drugs worth Rs 200 crore, from Indian waters. On the intervening night of September 13-14, 2022, the ICG, on the basis of intelligence inputs by ATS Gujarat, strategically deployed two fast interceptor class of ships – C-408 and C-454 – for patrolling in the area close to notional International Maritime Border Line. A Pakistani boat was spotted moving suspiciously in Indian waters, five nautical miles inside notional IMBL and 40 nautical miles from Jakhau. On being challenged, the Pakistani boat over boarded a consignment and started evasive manoeuvring. Braving rough seas, the ICG ships intercepted the boat and apprehended it.
The boat is being brought to Jakhau for further joint investigation. This is the fifth such joint operation by the ICG and ATS, Gujarat in last one year. It highlights the importance of effective coordination amongst stakeholders for robust coastal security network.