Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut has expressed her willingness to enter into active politics from the acting field. The actress responded that she is ready to contest the next Lok Sabha elections. Kangana was speaking in an interview organized by a national media.
She said that she is ready to contest the next Lok Sabha elections from Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. If BJP gives her a chance, she will contest elections for the people. She can work from all levels of society. Kangana said that if the people of Himachal Pradesh give her an opportunity to serve, she will definitely accept it.
Kangana praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is a great man. Everyone says that the Prime Minister and Rahul Gandhi are competing with each other. Himachal Pradesh will never fall for Aam Aadmi’s promises in the upcoming elections. Himachal people have their own solar power plant. Apart from this, the people grow vegetables themselves. Therefore, Aam Aadmi’s strategies are worthless, Kangana said.