Thiruvananthapuram: BJP has decided to strengthen the protest against Mayor Arya Rajendran’s action of sending letter to the CPM District Secretary, seeking the list of candidates for ongoing recruitment in the health section of the corporation on contract basis. BJP plans to reveal the corruption in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation and also, the Mayor’s hidden role in the recruitments. BJP District President V V Rajesh informed this today in Thiruvananthapuram. All councillors will reach Raj Bhavan at 12 noon tomorrow to meet Governor.
V V Rajesh has responded that CPM leaders are conducting mass corruption in the Corporation by making the Mayor a rubber stamp. Arya Rajendran says she has not sent such a letter and she came to know about the letter from the media. If the letter was not written by her, that means the office functioning of the corporation has stooped down to such an extent that one can easily enter Mayor’s office, take the letter head and seal and use it for any purpose, added V V Rajesh.
BJP council members of Thiruvananthapuram corporation held a protest against the Mayor. BJP plans to organise strong protests in the coming days.