Kannur: Kannur Vice Chancellor Gopinath Ravindran explained regarding the appointment of Priya Varghese. No appeal will be filed against the High Court order. The university will seek legal advice. The court has asked to rearrange the rank list. Respecting the court order, the university will reorganize the rank list. Gopinath Ravindran said that the qualification of the three shortlisted persons will be checked.
Legal advice was sought regarding the appointment of Priya Varghese. Clarification was also sought from the UGC regarding their eligibility. But UGC has not responded yet. The steps were taken based on the conditions of UGC. The VC stated that the judgment of the High Court affects all the universities and the copy of the judgment has not been received yet. Interview footage cannot be provided to the media. Gopinath Ravindran said that the consent of the three short-listed persons is required to provide the footage, but the footage can be provided if the court demands it.
At the same time, Priya Varghese came in response to the criticisms through social media. Priya Varghese has described the post of Associate Professor as ‘a piece of bread’. No regrets about losing the Associate Professor post, she said.