The IFFI Jury Chairman and Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid against ‘The Kashmir Files’. Nadav Lapid came out against the inclusion of Vivek Agnihotri’s film ‘The Kashmir Files’ in the 53rd International Film Festival of India. The Jury Chairman described the film as part of a propaganda and substandard. He was speaking at the closing session of the film festival.
Nadav Lapid responded that they were shocked that the Kashmir Files made it to the international competition category. The 15th film ‘The Kashmir Files’ left us all disturbed and shocked. Apart from this, 14 out of 15 films were good. This is not a suitable film for such a prestigious film festival. It is enough to say this openly on stage.
The film received good reviews as it exhibits the life of Kashmiri Pandits in the 1990s. At the same time, left-wing observers, religious fundamentalists and anti-Hindutva people came out widely against the film.
But the film crossed all the objections and criticisms and collected more than 300 crores at the box office. The film was screened in the Indian Panorama and International competition categories.