Ernakulam: The Film Chamber said director Hemant Nair’s new film should not be titled Higuitta. The Film Chamber has instructed to seek permission from writer N S Madhavan. The Film Chamber’s action is when N S Madhavan came forward against the title of the film.
It was proposed to ban the name in the meeting held yesterday. Higuitta is a famous short story by N S Madhavan. Based on this, the meeting observed that the name should not be used without his permission. Following this, the name was temporarily banned. The Film Chamber also informed that after taking permission from N S Madhavan, they will discuss the ban again.
Meanwhile, the crew responded that the movie was registered in the Film Chamber in 2019. But it was not suggested to change the name. The film is creating controversy after its completion. Higuitta is the name of a famous football player. The film has no connection with the short story. The team members also stated that the proposal to change the name was disappointing. N S Madhavan thanked the Film Chamber for suggesting to change the name to Higuitta.