Kochi: Renowned art director Suresh Babu passed away due to massive heart attack. He breathed his last on Thursday night at a hospital in Ernakulam. Sunil Babu had worked as art director in several movies of Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu as well as Hindi. He was honoured with Kerala State Film Award for his work in the movie Ananthabhadram.
Sunil Babu entered to the world of movies as the assistant of Sabu Siril. His famous Malayalam films include Urumi, Chhota Mumbai, Aami, Premam, Note book, Kayamkulam Kochunni, Pazhassi Raja and Bangalore days.
Sunil Babu is the son of Mallappally Kunnanthanam Ramamangalam Thankappan Nair and Saraswathi Amma. He is survived by his wife Prema and daughter Arya Saraswathy.