Thiruvananthapuram: Pazhayidam Mohanan Namboothiri said that he will no longer cook food for the school arts festival. It is a time of spreading the poisonous seeds of casteism and religion even in children’s art festivals. He also told the media that the recent controversies hurt him.
Pazhayidam said that he had decided earlier to stop cooking food for the school youth festival. But he came again due to the pressure from the government. He made it clear that he will no longer participate in the tender. In this new era, people are coming with different allegations. Although it does not include meat, I will no longer be a part of the youth festival, said Pazhayidam.
V. Sivankutty, the state Education Minister, had announced the other day that non-vegetarian cuisines will be included in the arts festival from next year onwards. Mohanan Namboothiri had also responded that even though there are practical difficulties, non-vegetarian food can be served anytime if the government decides. Pazhayidam said that he has no objection in serving non-vegetarian at the venue of the Youth Festival and it is up to the government to decide whether to serve non-veg or not.