‘Kantara’, directed by Rishabh Shetty was one of the biggest hits of 2022. The film which was made with an investment of Rs 16 crores earned around 400 crores. Rishabh Shetty’s Kantara managed to surpass even the big-budget ‘KGF 2′. Kantara was made of myth, earth, and man. The film, which transports the audience to another world, has received huge acceptance from the people. Kantara has also submitted an application for the 2023 Oscar Award. And now, the movie has entered the Oscar-eligible list.
Kantara has attained a place in the competition list in the categories of Best Film and Best Actor. Now, the Oscar members can vote for Kantara to enter the list of the main nominations. Producer Hombale Films said that they are happy that the film has entered the eligible list. “We are thrilled to share that Kantara has received 2 Oscar eligibility! Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported us. We want to share this journey with everyone. We need your support,’ said Hombale Films.
The song ‘Natu Natu’ from RRR has entered the final list. RRR competed in the categories of Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Visual Design.