Thiruvananthapuram: Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan has today informed the assembly that 828 police officers had involved in the criminal cases in last six years.
P R Sunu, who was dismissed from the service recently, is also included in the list of criminals in the police. He is accused in two criminal cases. It is hinted that procedure to dismiss these accused police with criminal background will be taken soon. Chief Minister informed the assembly that criminal activities in the police department is comparatively lesser that that of the UDF reign.
Police officers are accused in various crimes such as sexual assault of women and children, torturing for dowry, alcohol consumption in public place, drunk driving, threatening shop owners, financial fraudulence, connection with quarry and so on.
The highest number of accused in the police department is in the State capital, Thiruvananthapuram. A total of 13 police officers had been suspended since 2016. The documents prove that around 60 police officers are involved in the criminal cases.