New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 8th Vande Bharat Express. The service is operated on Visakhapatnam Secunderabad route. The flag off was done through video conference at 10.30 am.
At the inaugural function, the Prime Minister said that this Vande Bharat Express will connect the culture and heritage of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
On Saturday, Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav conducted the pre-flag-off inspection. He also commented that the Prime Minister inaugurating the Vande Bharat Express on Pongal Day would be a great gift.
This Vande Bharat Express is the first express to connect Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. There will be stops at Visakhapatnam, Rajahmundry and Vijayawada stations in Andhra Pradesh and Khammam, Waranga.