New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Karnataka and Maharashtra on 19th January, 2023.In Karnataka, the PM will visit the Yadgiri and Kalaburagi districts. At around 12 noon, in Kodekal, Yadgiri District, PM will lay the foundation stone and inaugurate various developmental projects related to irrigation, drinking water and a National Highway development project.
At around 2:15 PM, the PM will reach Malkhed, Kalaburagi District, where he will distribute title deeds (hakku patra) to the eligible beneficiaries of newly declared revenue villages and also lay the foundation stone for a National Highway project.
At around 5 PM, the PM will inaugurate, dedicate and lay the foundation stone of multiple development initiatives in Mumbai. At around 6:30 PM, he will inaugurate two lines of Mumbai Metro and also undertake a metro ride.