Cumbum: Wild tusker Arikomban who was relocated to Periyar Tiger Reserve from Chinnakanal in Idukki, was spotted near Cumbum town in Tamil Nadu on Saturday morning. He reached Cumbum town from Lower Camp area. The efforts are ongoing to chase the wild tusker back to the forest. Arikomban’s movements are being monitored using high frequency antennas. The signals from Airkomban’s GPS collar are also under observation in Thekkady. Tamil Nadu Forest department officials are planning to tranquilize the elephant and translocate it back to the forest. The people in Cumbum town are in fear.
Visuals of Arikomban running across Cumbum town are going viral on social media. Three people were injured while trying to flee from the elephant and one of them sustained serious injuries. Several vehicles were also damaged by Arikomban.
Tamil Nadu Forest Department is on high alert. It is reported that kumki elephants will be brought to Cumbum to capture Arikomban. Chief Minister MK Stalin said that Arikomban must be tranlocated without causing difficulties to the public. Cumbum town officials have warned people not to come out of their houses.
Arikomban who reached residential area near Rosapookandam in Kumily on Thursday night was chased back to the forest after firing into the sky and making noise. On Friday, the wild tusker was located near Lower Camp power house. As per reports, Arikomban is aiming to return back to Chinnkanal. Forest Department is expecting the tusker to return to Periyar Tiger Reserve by tonight.