Kochi: The Kerala High court has made an important step in the use of artificial intelligence to translate judicial orders into Malayalam. The reportable judgments of the Kerala High Court and District Courts are being translated into Malayalam using artificial intelligence (AI).
The Kerala High Court’s 317 judgements have thus far been translated into Malayalam. The translated judgments have been made available on the website of the High Court. 5,186 judgements from the district judiciary have been translated, and the Malayalam version is now available on the district courts’ official websites. By openly publishing court orders, the initiative aims to raise legal awareness in more people.
The artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted translation was published under the guidance of a panel led by High Court judges Justice Raja Vijayaraghavan and Justice Kausar Edappagath. The translation was done using Anuvadini software developed by the All India Council for Technical Education of the Union Ministry of Education (AICTE).
The Legal Services Authorities could make use of the translations to educate and inform other government agencies, other stakeholders, and litigants about the law. According to a recent High Court announcement, the translation of the ruling will raise public awareness of legal issues. The new action is intended to guarantee that the judiciary is transparent and guarantees justice.