Kochi: The High Court on Tuesday rejected the bail plea of Jolly Joseph, the main accused in the Koodathayi murder case. The court considered the bail pleas in two cases in which Jolly was accused. Jolly approached the High Court, claiming a lack of scientific evidence in the case and contending that the allegations against her would not stand, thus requesting bail.
The court observed that if Jolly were to be released, there is a possibility of influencing the witnesses, and public sentiment should be taken into account. The Supreme Court had previously canceled the bail granted by the High Court, and the Single Bench, headed by Justice CS Dias, asserted that this decision cannot be overcome.
Furthermore, the court stated that the Sessions Court can make a fair decision while commencing the trial proceedings of the case. The prosecution argued that Jolly committed a crime that does not deserve any consideration as a woman and, therefore, should not be granted bail.