New Delhi: In an unexpected twist, the Congress General Secretary of Western Uttar Pradesh and one of the prominent Congress leader, Jyotiraditya Scindia, has supported the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Bill, 2019. His move is surprising as Congress is leading the opposition against the Bill in both the Houses.
In a tweet he said, “I support the move on #JammuAndKashmir & #Ladakh and its full integration into union of India. Would have been better if constitutional process had been followed. No questions could have been raised then. Nevertheless, this is our country’s interest and I support this.”
Interestingly, Jyotiaditya Scindia, is seen as one of the candidates for the post of Congress President after Rahul Gandhi’s resignation. His name for the top post has been going the rounds. His youth, experience, and pan Indian appeal have made him a strong contender for the post.
Leaders like Milind Deora had proposed his name as one of the most favourable candidates to grace the position.
The Congress camp has been confused and disunited while facing the debate in both the Houses. Earlier, Congress chief whip Bhubaneshwar Kalita resigned from his MP post in disagreement with the party for its stand on Kashmir.
With Jyotiraditya Scindia’s rebellion the disunity in the Congress camp has come out in the open. Scindia who is a contender for the top post in the party could become, in the coming days, a serious threat to the authority of the Gandhi family in the grand old party.