New Delhi: Wife of Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, Sunanda Pushkar, had injury marks on her body which was inflicted just 12 hours to 4 days prior. She also suffered mental agony after scuffle with Tharoor just prior to her tragic death.
Public Prosecutor Atul Shrivastava referred to the postmortem report of Sunanda Pushkar while deposing before a CBI court.
The counsel also read out a statement by Sunanda Pushkar’s friend Nalini, in which she speaks about Tharoor’s relationship with a woman named Tarar, which had led to the scuffle between Tharoor and his wife, Sunanda.
The statement read, “I got a call from Sunanda who was sobbing. She had found some messages exchanged between Tarar and Tharoor.”
It was revealed that in a email written by Tharoor to Tarar she was addressed by “my darlingest”.
Tharoor’s lawyer, however, refuted the claims made by Atul Shrivastava.
The Judge Ajay Kumar posted the matter for hearing on 31 August and directed the prosecution to arrange all the documents in the case.
Sunanda Pushkar was found dead in a suite of a luxury hotel in Delhi on 17 January, 2014. Tharoor has been charged under section 498-A (husband or his relative subjecting a woman to cruelty) and 306 (abetment to suicide).