Dadra & Nagar Haveli: In a scathing attack, the Union Home Minister, Amit Shah, slammed Congress and its former President, Rahul Gandhi, for making statements that are used by Pakistan against India in the international arena.
Amit Shah was referring to Pakistan’s letter to UN in which the country mentions the statement of Rahul Gandhi about the violence in Jammu and Kashmir after Article 370 was scrapped. The Union Minister was speaking at a gathering in Silvassa in Dadra and Nagar Haveli.
The Union Minister said, “The Congress opposed the move to abrogate Article 370. Even today, any statement given by Rahul Gandhi is lauded in Pakistan. His statement is even included in Pakistan’s plea. Congress should be ashamed that their statements are being used against India.”
He also urged the opposition leaders to rise above party politics and support Narendra Modi government in the Kashmiri issue.
Congress and some opposition parties are fighting tooth and nail against the government’s decision to integrate Kashmir fully with India. They have been hyping the security situation in the region and picturing India as the aggressor. This has been helpful to Pakistan to push their anti-India rhetoric in front of the global community.
The Pakistan media usually highlights the statements of opposition leaders like Rahul Gandhi to say that India is oppressing the people of Kashmir. However, no such oppression is being reported barring some violence perpetrated by pro-Pakistani elements.
The Home Minister said that Article 370 was a block to integrate Jammu and Kashmir with the mainstream life of India and pointed that Narendra Modi was able to scrap the article in the very first session of Parliament.
Amit Shah added that after removing Article 370, the path of development for Jammu and Kashmir has been opened.
He said, “It was the last nail in the coffin of terrorism. All citizens, barring a few, have supported this move by the government.”
The Central government annulled Article 370 on 5 August by a Presidential order and also decided to divide the state into two – Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.
The region is under restrictions at the moment because Pakistani supported terrorists and separatist leaders oppose the government’s move and would have unleashed violence against the civilians and Indian security forces.
Till now there are no untoward violence in the state. The government has repeatedly promised that restrictions will be removed once the situation becomes calm and normal life resumed in the state. Prime Minister has also called upon the Kashmiri youth to take part in the development process and also spoke about elections in which the people can elect their own representatives in Jammu and Kashmir.