New Delhi:Chief Justice of India, Ranjan Gogoi has given permission to CBI for a detailed enquiry of the allegations against Former Chief Justice of Madras High court Thahilramini. Ranjan Gogoi has asked CBI to “take further action in accordance with law”.
The allegations against Thahilramani include illegal purchase of two flats in the outskirts of Chennai. The IB had enquired the matter in detail. The report says that Thahilramani has made some transactions so as to own two newly-built flats worth Rs.3.18 crore at Lorraine Tower, Semmancherry/Thiruvidanthai village. “Of this amount, Rs 1.62 crore was paid from HDFC Bank loans and remaining 1.56 crore was paid through own funds in June-July 2019″, the report says.
Ranjan Gogoi has instructed CBI on the basis of the 5 page report from ED. Justice Thahilramani had resigned in protest against her transfer to Meghalaya earlier this month.