Baramulla: The Jammu and Kashmir police on Tuesday arrested a Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist from Andergam Pattan area of Baramulla district.
The terrorist caught is 19-years old and identified as Sajid Farooq Dar.
“In another operation by police one Sajid Farooq Dar @ Adnan, S/o Farooq Ah Dar,Age 19 yrs. R/o Gund Prang Madvan Hajin District Bandipora; Affiliated with LET was arrested from Andergam Pattan Baramulla,” tweeted J&K Police.
In another operation by police one Sajid Farooq Dar @ Adnan,
S/o Farooq Ah Dar
Age 19 yrs.
R/o Gund Prang Madvan Hajin
District Bandipora
Affiliated with LET was arrested from Andergam Pattan Baramulla.— J&K Police (@JmuKmrPolice) January 28, 2020