New Delhi: Minister of state for Finance Anurag Thakur said on Monday that over 30 crore PAN numbers have been linked with the unique identification code.
He was speaking in the Parliament where he informed the House that the total permanent account numbers (PANs) which are linked with Aadhaar number as on January 27, 2020 is 30,75,02,824.
The government has also extended the deadline period for the linking procedure until March 31, 2020.
“As on January 27, 2020, a total of 17,58,03,617 PANs are not linked with Aadhaar. The extension of due date for linking of PANs with Aadhaar,” Thakur said in Parliament.
He said that under the Income Tax (I-T) Act, a person is required to quote PAN in respect of any sale or purchase of immovable property for an amount exceeding Rs 10 lakh or valued by stamp valuation authority.