New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday attacked the protests happening at Jamia Millia, Shaheen Bagh and other places against the Citizenship Amendment Act saying that in the pretext of using the tricolour they are trying to disrupt harmony of the country. The protesters were also using Constitution to mask their real intent.
“Whether it is Jamia or Shaheen Bagh, anti-CAA demonstrations have been going on for the last few days. Are these demonstrations random events? No, they represent a politics that is designed to destroy national harmony,” said PM Modi.
PM Modi launched the scathing attack while addressing his first campaign rally in Delhi which drew loud cheers from the large crowd.
PM Modi also accused the Congress and AAP for indulging in vote-bank politics and the reason why the protests have persisted.
“These should have been called off after the government’s assurance that the CAA and NRC shall not take away anybody’s citizenship. But AAP and Congress are playing politics and all these things have now been exposes,” said the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister gave assurance to the people of Delhi that if BJP comes to power, there will be immense development in the national capital. He urged the people to vote for BJP and NDA.