Chennai: The police officers belonging to the Q branch of the Tamil Nadu police, who investigated the killing of Special Sub Inspector (SSP), Wilson, received death threats from an Islamic terror outfit called Al Hind Brigade. The message was sent through Telegram app.
The threat was in Tamil and it said that the Tamil Nadu and Delhi police officers who took part in the capture of the outfit’s members are under surveillance by them. The threat message comes just after the National Investigation Agency (NIA) took over the investigation into the killing of the SSP.
The Q Branch has initiated an investigation into it and will probe the origin of the message. Security has been tightened for the security personnel involved in the investigation into the murder of the SSP.
The Tamil Nadu Q Branch had found out that the activities of ISIS in India is centred in Chennai. They had nabbed a member of Al Hind Brigade, an affiliate of the dreaded ISIS, in Bangaluru. The killing of SSP, Wilson, at a check point in the border area of Kaliykkavilai, was to avenge the arrest.
The murderers were caught within a few days from Uddupi by the Tamil Nadu police. Now the terror outfit is targeting Tamil Nadu and Delhi police personnel in retaliation against the arrests.