New Delhi: The Delhi police has confirmed that the person who fired shots at protesters in Shaheen Bagh, Kapil Gujjar, is actually a member of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Photos from Kapil Gujjar’s phone shows that he is member of the party.
Kapil Gujjar has already admitted that he and his father had joined the AAP last year. The photos show Kapil with senior AAP leaders like Atishi and Sanjay Singh.
A senior Crime Branch officer said, “In our initial investigation, we found some photos from Kapil’s phone that establish what he has already disclosed — that he and his father had joined AAP a year ago.”
BJP National President J. P. Nadda said, “The country and Delhi today saw the dirty side of the Aam Aadmi Party. Kejriwal and his people sold the country’s security for political ambition. In the past, Kejriwal used to insult the Army and support terrorists but today his relation with a person linked to terror activities got revealed.”
However, the Aam Aadmi Party is in denial mode and is trying to shift the blame on the BJP. They accuse BJP of hatching a conspiracy by saying that Delhi police reports to the Union Home Ministry.
Even after photos reveal that the shooter was a AAP member, the party is ignoring it and is proceeding to send a legal notice to the police officer who disclosed the information.
After the shooting incident, the media and the opposition was quick to connect Kapil Gujjar with the BJP and quoted some of his statement. However, the photos of him standing with AAP leaders have busted the fake narrative.