New Delhi: Shots were fired at a victory rally for AAP MLA, Naresh Yadav, resulting in the death of party worker Ashot Mann. The MLA was returning from a temple after he won the election when the shots were fired. Though the MLA escaped without any injury, Ashok Mann was hit and another party worker injured.
AAP worker Ashok Mann was just behind the MLA when the attack occurred. The police say three persons were involved in the gunfire and has arrested one person behind the attack. The attacker said that he had aimed at Ashok Mann and his nephew and the MLA was not the target.
AAP tweeted, “Shots fired at AAP MLA Naresh Yadav and the volunteers accompanying him while they were on their way back from temple. At least one volunteer has passed away due to bullet wounds. Another is injured,” the party tweeted from its official handle.”
It also said, “Volunteer Ashok Mann has passed away in the attack at AAP MLA Naresh Yadav. Today we have lost one of our family member. May his soul rest in peace.”
The incident occurred last night at 10.30 pm at Kishangarh village in south Delhi. He was standing in an open car with other party cadres including Ashok Mann when shots were fired.