New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Wednesday released a biography of VP Menon where the former said, he understood from the book that “Nehru did not want Patel in the Cabinet.”
Jaishankar tweeted, “Released an absorbing biography of VP Menon by @narayani_basu. Sharp contrast between Patel’s Menon and Nehru’s Menon. Much awaited justice done to a truly historical figure.”
Released an absorbing biography of VP Menon by @narayani_basu. Sharp contrast between Patel's Menon and Nehru's Menon. Much awaited justice done to a truly historical figure.
— Dr. S. Jaishankar (@DrSJaishankar) February 12, 2020
“Learnt from the book that Nehru did not want Patel in the Cabinet in 1947 and omitted him from the initial Cabinet list. Clearly, a subject for much debate. Noted that the author stood her ground on this revelation,” the Union Minister said.
“Exercise of writing history for politics in the past needs honest treatment. “When Sardar died, a deliberate campaign was begun to efface his memory. I know this, because I have seen it, and at times, I fell victim to it myself. ” So says VP Menon,” added Jaishankar.
Exercise of writing history for politics in the past needs honest treatment. "When Sardar died, a deliberate campaign was begun to efface his memory. I know this, because I have seen it, and at times, I fell victim to it myself. " So says VP Menon.
— Dr. S. Jaishankar (@DrSJaishankar) February 12, 2020