New Delhi: Union Minister Smriti Irani on Monday took a jibe at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi after the latter tweeted on the Supreme Court’s verdict that permanent commission will apply to all women officers in the Indian Army in service, irrespective of their years of service.
Gandhi tweeted, “The Govt disrespected every Indian woman, by arguing in the SC that women Army officers didn’t deserve command posts or permanent service because they were inferior to men. I congratulate India’s women for standing up & proving the BJP Govt wrong.”
Smriti Irani was witty enough to respond to his tweet. She asked him to tell his team to check facts before tweeting.
Calling him “Begani shaadi mein Abdullah deewana,” she said, ” It was PM @narendramodi Ji who announced Permanent Commission for Women in Armed Forces, thereby ensuring gender justice & @BJPMahilaMorcha took up this issue when your Govt. twiddled its thumbs. Tweet से पहले टीम को बोलो check kare.”
आदरणीय बेगानी शादी में अब्दुल्ला दीवाने,
It was PM @narendramodi Ji who announced Permanent Commission for Women in Armed Forces, thereby ensuring gender justice & @BJPMahilaMorcha took up this issue when your Govt. twiddled its thumbs. Tweet से पहले टीम को बोलो check kare 🙏
— Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) February 17, 2020
The Supreme Court on Monday directed that women officers of the Indian Army, serving under Short Service Commission, be considered for grant of Permanent Commission, irrespective of tenure of service, and also for command posts in non-combat areas since “an absolute bar on women seeking criteria or command appointments would not comport with the guarantee of equality under Article 14”.