Coimbatore: Vice President Venkaiah Naidu on Friday said that it has become a fashion for some countries to comment about India’s internal affairs and asked them to not interfere in the internal matters of India.
VP Naidu while addressing the students of PSG college Arts and Science said, ” I tell them, you manage your internal affairs, we are capable of managing our internal affairs. Can we discuss BREXIT in our Indian parliament? ”
Referring to revocation of Article 370 and Reorganization of Jammu & Kashmir State, he said that Article 370 was a temporary provision and it was revoked after a thorough debate in the Parliament.
Talking about the Citizenship Amendment Act, VP Naidu urged people to first study and understand the CAA legislation. It has nothing to do with Indian citizens and it pertains to refugees who have been persecuted on religious grounds in neighbouring countries, he said.