New Delhi: BJP leader Subramanian Swamy has asked the government to investigate the death of Intelligence Bureau officer, Ankit Sharma, and to ascertain if his killing was related to AAP leader Tahir Hussain’s connection with Bangladeshi terrorists.
Swami says that Ankit Sharma was probing Tahir Hussain’s Bangladeshi connection when he was brutally murdered by Hussain’s men.
In a tweet, Swami says, “The government needs to clarify if IB officer Sharma was targeted and killed at the behest of AAP’s Tahir because Sharma was tailing him for Tahir’s Bangladesh terrorists connection. If true it becomes very very serious matter (sic).”
On Thursday, the body of the slain IB officer was fished out of a drain in Chand Bagh area. The postmortem report says that he was brutally murdered and found around 400 wounds on the body.
Ankit Sharma’s brother said that Hussain’s men caught Sharma and dragged him away along with two friends. Tahir Hussain is charged with Section 302 for murder and Section 201 for disappearance of evidence under IPC.
Meanwhile, Tahir Hussain has been suspended by AAP. The party leadership in a tweet said, “Tahir Hussain has been suspended from the Aam Aadmi Party for the duration of the probe against him in connection with the Delhi violence.”
The death of Ankit Sharma has shocked the consciousness of everyone. The state of his dead body was horrific and it is said he sustained 400 wounds. There are clear signs of torture for hours before he was dead and dumped in a drain.