Jammu: The commercial hub in old Jammu, City Chowk has now been renamed as Bharat Mata Chowk. City Chowk, also known as City Square was renamed after the general house of the BJP-led Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC), officials said on Sunday.
“I had moved a resolution in the general house some four months ago demanding renaming of the ”City Chowk” to ”Bharat Mata Chowk on the popular demand of the public,” senior BJP leader and Deputy Mayor of the JMC Purnima Sharma was quoted as saying by news agency PTI.
“This place is historic and a witness to major decisions and protests in the past. Every year people are hoisting the tricolour on Republic and Independence days in this chowk. There was a popular demand from the public to rename this chowk as Bharat Mata Chowk,” Sharma said.
Many names of cities, streets and railway stations have been changed in the recent past, to revive the Indian culture erase all the signs of Mughals.