Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday had announced that he is thinking of giving up social media on Sunday. The netizens were bewildered by the news and overflowed comments on social media urging PM Modi to stay connected with the world.
But, now PM Modi has come again to reveal what was the purpose to give up social media platform on Sunday.
Interesting, Sunday is March 8, which is celebrated as International Women’s Day.
Hence Modi tweeted again, ” This Women’s Day, I will give away my social media accounts to women whose life & work inspire us. This will help them ignite motivation in millions. Are you such a woman or do you know such inspiring women? Share such stories using #SheInspiresUs.”
This Women's Day, I will give away my social media accounts to women whose life & work inspire us. This will help them ignite motivation in millions.
Are you such a woman or do you know such inspiring women? Share such stories using #SheInspiresUs.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 3, 2020
It is quite funny to note that in the mean time Opposition hit at PM Modi, taking every single chance as an opportunity to slam the Prime Minister, in the middle of Delhi riots.